The Trip of A Lifetime.

A gift to myself for my 70th birthday.

To make this trip on my own, to meet my internet friends in the USA was the most rewarding experience I have had in many years.

I am a retired librarian, living in Sweden, on the Island of Gotland in the middle of the Baltic Sea. One part of my job that I always liked was searching for information using all available resources.  So using the resources that are available to me now; my computer and the internet, I was able to sit at my desk and plan the entire trip to the United States. 

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I am a member of SeniorNet, Sweden  ( From this website I learned that there were friendly, serious seniors available for contact through the seniornet in the United States. In 1998 I joined  a group of seniors on and began to chat with them on a daily basis.
We exchange greetings, talk about our plans for the day, participate in each others joys and concerns. There are chatters in the group from all over the world. I have met people from the USA and Canada, from Australia, South Africa, a few from Europe and fewer from Scandinavia.
For me personally, being a member of this group has given me the opportunity to use my English, and above all, be part of a group of kindred spirits. 

I have  become enriched and added a new dimension to my life.
Alice, Annie and Liz are all seniors I have made contact with only on the internet. they became the cornerstones for this trip.



In recent years, Alice B. 
has arranged an annual 
meeting for the chat group 
at her home in Zephyrhills, Florida. this "Florida Fling" takes place in February. I decided to attend the 2000 meeting and meet my chat friends in person

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I even accepted Annie 
W's offer to accompany 
her in the car on her return
trip to Texas at the end of 
the get together. Annie even invited me to stay in her home for a few days in Dallas.

New Haven


I also made plans to visit 
Liz S in New Haven, CT.

Preparations for the Trip

After comparing prices and schedules of many flights and airlines on the internet,
I booked the flight from Arlanda Airport in Stockholm to JFK in New York City through a travel agent in Stockholm.
I discovered that there were flights available between cities within the United States with prepaid coupons purchased in Sweden that had few restrictions.

Using these coupons I had to decide the cities I would visit and the order that I would visit them before the trip started.
Travel within the USA included:

New York to Tampa Florida. (By auto from Florida through Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana to Texas)
Flight from Dallas to Los Angeles
Then to San Francisco, Salt Lake City and Washington, D.C.
From Washington D.C. via Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania,  New Jersey, 
New York to Connecticut.

In New Haven, Liz would meet me and the plan was to use her home in Connecticut
as a base of travel for touring the New England States and a visit to New York City.
After a month in the United States, I would return to Stockholm from NYC.

The tickets were booked..
The cities were decided upon...
Now it only remained to find suitable accomodations.
On the internet I found these in Bed and Breakfasts. Most of these were in private homes.


Click Here to visit my first stop: Florida