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Washington D.C.

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In Washington, the B&B was located in the very center of the city.
In the entire trip, I must say that I encountered very few problems. One of the only ones was here in Washington where I had neglected to tell the B&B owner when making my reservation that climbing stairs is not my finest accomplishments since I got my new hip.. Fortunately, after one night on the third floor they found a room for me downstairs. Let this be a lesson for senior travelers to be sure and state your needs.
I did find much consideration for people with disabilities in Washington however. As I was waiting in line to enter the White House (with my cane) the attendant took me to a special place for entry which avoided the long line and allowed me to enter quickly.
I was also able to see first hand an example of  "Freedom of Speech" in the form of a demonstration on the sidewalk outside the White House.
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Adams Inn B&B

I toured the city by bus and stopped to see The Lincoln Memorial, Arlington National Cemetary and the Capitol Building. While at Arlington I was impressed with the changing of the guard.

In the evening I enjoyed a jazz concert in Kennedy Center.

The next day I visited the Library of Congress and some parts of the Smithsonian Institution where I saw, among other things,  the Hope Diamond.

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The White House
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The Hope Diamant

Washington D.C. by night

Train from Washington D.C to Connecticut: